Kamis, 22 November 2012

Diserang hacker Indonesia, Israel ancam lakukan balasan

Sejak pekan lalu Israel menginvasi kawasan Jalur Gaza, Palestina, yang dikuasai Hamas. Perang di dunia nyata pun berlanjut ke dunia maya. Didorong sentimen solidaritas sebagai sesama negara muslim, beberapa hacker Indonesia langsung menyerang beberapa server dan situs milik Israel.Akibatnya, kemarin otoritas keamanan Internet Indonesia (Indonesia Security Incident Response Team on Internet...

Kamis, 16 Agustus 2012

Ucapan Selamat HUT RI Ke 67

wah..gak terasa uda tgl 17 agustus 2012..umur negara ku indonesia tercinta bertambah lagi jadi 67 tahun.. ^^Selamat ulang tahun Indonesiaku yg ke 67..Semoga indonesia menjadi negara yang bebas korupsi..Semoga Indonesia Makmur dan Berjaya dari tahun sebelumnya..Dan Selalu Menjadi Negara Yang adil dan sejahtera..amin..INDONESIA Raya Merdeka Merdeka..Tanah ku negriku yang ku cinta ..INDONESIA raya merdeka...

Kamis, 15 Maret 2012

Download Anonymous Os

List TooL - ParolaPass Password Generator- Find Host IP- Anonymous HOIC- Ddosim- Pyloris- Slowloris- TorsHammer- Sqlmap- Havij- Sql Poison- Admin Finder- John the Ripper- Hash Identifier- Tor- XChat IRC- Pidgin- Vidalia- Polipo- JonDo- i2p- Wireshark- Zenmap Download : http://sourceforge.net/projects/anonymous-os/Keterangan Lebih Lanjut Di : http://anonymous-os.tumblr.com/ada yg berani nyobak?? :)sumber:...

Sabtu, 03 Maret 2012

PacketFence 3.2.0 released

The PacketFence development team has published version 3.2.0 of its open source network access control (NAC) system. PacketFence allows organisations to increase control over their network by enforcing authentication and registration for newly connected devices. It also enables abnormal network activity detection and the isolation of troublesome devices. New features in 3.2.0OpenVAS Vulnerability...

BackTrack 5 R2 Released with new kernel and new tools

Hacker are your Ready ? Backtrack 5 R2 finally released with bug fixes, upgrades, and the addition of 42 new tools. With the best custom-built 3.2.6 kernel, the best wireless support available at maximum speed. This release have included Metasploit 4.2.0 Community Edition, version 3.0 of the Social Engineer Toolkit, BeEF, and many other tool upgrades.Backtrack also added the following...

Jumat, 27 Januari 2012

emotion keren di facebook

mungkin sudah banyak yg tau cara initanpa banyak bacot langsung aja ke site inihttp://smileyti.me/pertama..upload file yg ingin di jadikan code emotion chatlalu klik upload now..entar keluar tu code nya lalu copas ke chat fb kamucontoh code nya[[143857652398693]] [[143857642398694]] [[143857649065360]] [[143857645732027]] [[143857639065361]][[143857725732019]] [[143857729065352]] [[143857732398685]]...

Rabu, 11 Januari 2012

Irhabi 007 (Younus At Tsouly) : Sang Legenda Cyber Jihad

Forum Al Ansar Al Islami, Agustus, tahun 2004. Seseorang dari forum jihad yang memiliki ribuan anggota tersebut mengirimkan sebuah pesan kehormatan dan pujian kepada Irhabi 007. Berikut pesannya : ‘” Kepada saudara kami Irhabi 007. Saudara kami Irhabi 007, Anda telah menunjukkan kemampuan yang sangat bagus dalam menyediakan pelayanan message board ini, sebagaimana...

Rabu, 04 Januari 2012

Download BackBox Linux 2.01

What's new System upgradePerformance boostNew lookImproved start menuBug corrections New sections such as Forensic Analysis, Documentation & Reporting and Reverse EngineeringNew Hacking tools and updated tools such as dradis 2.8, ettercap, john 1.7.8, metasploit 4.2, nmap 5.51, set 2.5.2, sleuthkit 3.2.1, w3af 1.0, weevely 0.5, wireshark 1.6.3, etc.System requirements 32-bit or 64-bit...

Cara membuat Title Bergerak Pada Blog

Mungkin Tutorial ini sudah banyak yang tau tapi saya mau share ^_^Mungkin Ada Yang Membutuhkan Nya Agar BLog Anda Makin Keliatan Menarik Bagi PengunjungOk..Langsung Saja :)Langkah membuat Title Berjalan Pada BLoglogin ke dashbord blog kamu.pilih ''RANCANGAN''pada halaman ''Element laman'' klik 'Tambah Gadget'pilih widget ''HTML/Javascript'' dan tempatkan script berikut didalamnya<br><script>...

Selasa, 03 Januari 2012

The Hacker News Hacking Awards : Best of Year 2011

2011 has been labeled the "Year of the Hack” or “Epic #Fail 2011”. Hacking has become much easier over the years, which is why 2011 had a lot of hacking for good and for bad. Hackers are coming up with tools as well as finding new methods for hacking faster then companies can increase their security. Every year there are always forward advancements in the tools and programs that can be used by the...
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