Senin, 05 Desember 2011

Intercepter-NG New Sniffing Tool

[Intercepter-NG] offers the following features:+ Sniffing passwords\hashes of the types:ICQ\IRC\AIM\FTP\IMAP\POP3\SMTP\LDAP\BNC\SOCKS\HTTP\WWW\NNTP\CVS\TELNET\MRA\DC++\VNC\MYSQL\ORACLE+ Sniffing chat messages of ICQ\AIM\JABBER\YAHOO\MSN\IRC\MRA+ Promiscuous-mode\ARP\DHCP\Gateway\Smart Scanning+ Raw mode (with pcap filter)+ eXtreme mode+ Capturing packets and post-capture (offline) analyzing+ Remote...

The Spy Files: Wikileaks expose Mobile Phone, Email Hacking capability

The Spy Files: Wikileaks expose Mobile Phone, Email Hacking capabilityWikileaks has released ( dozens of new documents highlighting the state of the once covert, but now lucrative private sector global surveillance industry. According to Assange, over 150 private sector organisations in 25 countries have the ability to not only track mobile devices, but also intercept messages...

Download Assassin DoS 2.0.3

Assassin DoS 2.0.3 - Created By MaxPainCodeMaxPainCode develop a new dos tool is based on a new attack that uses HTTP Flood to get the site down, this will work if you try with big dedicated server. Another Feature of Assassin DoS is that it will not take all your resources as the most DoS do. Also its like only 100 mili seconds delay when hitting the target and its...

Download Directx 11 For Windows 7

DirectX ® 11, generasi berikutnya dari teknologi grafis, tiba untuk Windows 7. Ini adalah berita bagus untuk peminat game karena banyak game Windows terbaru akan mengambil keuntungan penuh dari teknologi ini untuk menciptakan dunia yang lebih mendalam dan terperinci dan lebih pengalaman. Pengembang Game akan memanfaatkan fitur baru untuk menciptakan dunia yang kaya, karakter realistis, dan game...
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